The Tour 
Diversity, exuberance and mainly the beauty of Homun cenotes make them one of the best natural attractions of Yucatan; Homun cenotes are not part of the tourist routes, due this they maintain their rustic and natural look.
The cenotes can be visited by car or mototaxi, typical transport in Homun village. If you go by car is recommended to hire a guide for visiting the cenotes; if you go by public transportaion is recommended to hire a mototaxi, whose driver is the guide too; this way you'll know the best cenotes of the area.
Due to the number of cenotes and caves in Homun often visitors decide to stay 2 or 3 days in the village; in Homun there are some options to rent a house, rooms or cottages at affordable prices. 

The Cenotes 
It's possible to visit five cenotes, which are:

    • Tza Ujun Kat Cenote. Located in front of the village cemetery. It has a hole at the top where sunlight comes in and the interior is very spacious; water is emerald green and very transparent; has deep and low parts, ideal for the family.


    • Santa Rosa Cenote. Located next to the football field, This cenote with full dome, just lets in the sun's rays by a small gap, necessitating artificial light. To get down to the water level, there is a wooden staircase; water is turquoise blue.


    • Santa Maria Cave & Cenote. It is located a few blocks from Homun downtown; this is one of the most attractive because it includes a cave, a walk through an underground river, and finally the camera where the cenote is located, which looks like a large Jacuzzi. Ideal for those who like adventure.


    • Yaxbakaltun Cenote. On the outskirts of town. A dirt road leads to the cenote, which is one of the largest and most spectacular; more than half of its dome has collapsed, allowing very good lighting.


  • Cenote Balmil. On the outskirts of town. A dirt road leads to the cenote, at the entrance there is a large tree called Alamo; once inside the camera, there are whimsical stone formations and the water is turquoise and very transparent.
Tiemtable & Fares
Timetable: All of cenotes are open every day of the year, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
General fare (national & foreign people): $20 pesos for each cenote.
Rate for native guide: between $100 y $150 pesos per 3 cenotes.
Rate for mototaxi taking 2 people and visiting 3 cenotes: $200 pesos; the driver is also guide.
Rate for mototaxi taking 4 people and visiting 3 cenotes: $300 pesos; The driver is also guide.

  • You can hire a guide or mototaxi at the entrance of the village, opposite the cemetery.
  • The guide Jorge Hau is our recommendation, his cellphone is 9991 851351; he has discovered some cenotes and promotes this tour.


Location & How to Get to Homun from Merida
Location: Homun is located in the center of the state of Yucatan, 50km from the city of Merida in the East direction.
How to Get to Homun from Merida
  • How to Get by Bus: from the Noreste terminal of 2nd class, located on 67th street and 50th in Merida downtwn; the timetable is 7:45, 9:15, 10:45, 12:30 and 14:30 hrs; this bus takes you until Homun, takes 1 and half hours and the price of the ticket is $22 pesos. Another option to get faster to Homun, it's by colectivo (a smaller bus), which you can take it opposite the same bus station on 67th street and colectivos leave when they are full.
  • How to Get by Auto: from Merida downtown, take the 59th street until the outloop of the city, there you'll find the signal for the highway to Chichen Itza and Valladolid, take it; there is a detour after 5 km that says Acanceh village, follow it; come in to Acanceh village and then continue to Homun; the trip takes 1 hour.